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On the management and maintenance of communication trunk optical cables

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Abstract: Nowadays, with the continuous development and progress of information technology and the rapid development of network communication technology, the most widely used optical cable in communication networks has become the main transmission medium for information communication. The communication trunk optical cable has the characteristics of large transmission capacity, fast speed, simple maintenance and low cost. It is often used as the basic transmission medium of the communication network and plays a very important role in the basic network. In order to ensure the normal operation of communication trunk optical cables, standardized management and maintenance should be adopted. In view of this, combined with the author's many years of work experience, the article puts forward some suggestions for the management and maintenance of communication trunk optical cables for reference only.


In recent years, with China’s increased investment in infrastructure, especially in transportation infrastructure, in the process of infrastructure construction, excavation, drilling, etc. are basically used for mechanical construction, which often leads to the interruption of communication trunk optical cables. In the final analysis, it is mainly because the inspection is not in place, the outreach publicity is not in place, and it is in the form of form. Therefore, the communication trunk optical cable operation and maintenance department must effectively manage and maintain the communication trunk optical cable, strengthen the daily maintenance of the trunk optical cable, and at the same time establish its monitoring system and safety early warning mechanism to detect the potential safety hazards in the operation of the trunk optical cable in time to ensure the safe and stable operation of the communication system. To support the rapid and high-quality development of the society.

1. Overview of communication trunk optical cable management and maintenance

1.1 Overview of communication trunk optical cable

The trunk optical cable is the basic transmission medium of modern communication network and one of the symbols of modern civilized society. A trunk optical cable link generally connects multiple stations. Inter-provincial trunk optical cables or trunk optical cables with international business are called first-class trunk cables. The trunk optical cable carrying the backbone business between the provinces and cities is called the secondary trunk line.

1.2 Characteristics of trunk optical cable transmission line maintenance

The main characteristics of trunk optical cable transmission lines are large regional space span, complex terrain along the way, complex personnel, poor maintenance environment and low integration. Moreover, the real-time management and update of provincial trunk optical cable resources has not been fully realized. The daily maintenance and management mainly relies on forms to collect information, which cannot form effective management and guidance for municipal branches. In the face of these characteristics, how to quickly get through the trunk optical cable in the most urgent and dangerous maintenance scenarios and improve the operation and maintenance efficiency is an important topic.

1.3 Purpose of trunk optical cable management and maintenance

The purpose of the management and maintenance of trunk optical cables is to ensure the quality of communication and data transmission between the two devices. In order to achieve these goals, we must carry out daily management and maintenance. Through the optical cable fiber test, the test curve is saved, so as to formulate emergency measures to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies. Regularly test the trunk optical cable line and repair the broken fiber in time, which can effectively avoid the lack of spare fiber caused by accumulation over time, and ensure that there is an emergency backup fiber core in an emergency. The basic tasks of trunk optical cable line maintenance are:

(1). Keep the optical cable line equipment intact.

( 2) Maintain good transmission quality.

( 3) Prevent obstacles and repair them as soon as possible.

Through maintenance and management, optical cable line obstacles can be prevented and reduced. Once the obstacles occur, they should be found and repaired as soon as possible. The above three tasks are complementary and inseparable. Scientific and technological means must be increased in operation and maintenance, and it is necessary to adopt advanced maintenance technologies and means (such as optical cable automatic monitoring system equipment). The maintenance of trunk optical cable lines should adopt the policy of “prevention first and combination of prevention and inspection”. That is to say, it is necessary to keep the equipment good at all times, do a good job in prevention and monitoring in advance, and eliminate obstacles in the bud. Therefore, in addition to various seasonal and periodic maintenance of optical cable lines, modern technical maintenance means must be adopted to monitor optical cable line equipment at any time to detect abnormalities in time and prevent and block faults.

2. Analysis of problems in the management and maintenance of communication trunk optical cables

2.1 Daily operation and maintenance work is not in place

The daily maintenance of trunk optical cables is often caused by poor management, which is mainly caused by subjective factors. This subjective factor is often not managed properly, resulting in the gradual superimposition of hidden dangers of trunk optical cables. For example, if the operation and maintenance staff do not record the problem or the record is incomplete when checking, it will cause more problems in future operation and maintenance. It can also be seen that some operation and maintenance staff lack the concept of operation and maintenance management, and their work is not serious and careful, which leads to the accumulation and expansion of minor problems of optical cables. Strengthening the inspection of daily lines, practice has proved that the failure of most optical cables is omenable. Due to the continuous expansion of urban construction, the development of industrial parks, the construction of new rural areas, the construction and renovation of roads, etc., the situation along the optical cable is changing. Usually, the construction unit will notify in advance, but because the markings of many routing sections of the trunk optical cable are not clear, the construction party cannot know whether there is an optical cable in the construction section, and if it is not notified. Therefore, only by doing a good job in the daily inspection of the optical cable line can the damage to light due to external forces Cable.

2.2 Non-standard operation of test equipment

First of all, the ODTR operation is not standardized. When using ODTR test, if the connector of the tail fiber touches the flange end face too tightly, it will damage the end face, and too loose will lead to a huge deviation in the test results. Secondly, the maintenance of trunk optical cables is not standardized, and the transmission performance of optical fiber has strict requirements for the radius of curvature, which must be strictly followed in accordance with the requirements of the radius of bending. In actual operation, the optical fiber is easy to bend, which affects the communication effect. For the fault at the joint, its location is better to locate, and for the fault of the non-joint position, it is difficult to locate. The general principle is that the fault point is closer to the test end, which can be tested at the end station. The distance between the fault point and the nearest joint point is measured by OTDR, and the fault point that is far from the test point is far away, due to the distance, the test The accuracy is relatively low, and it is difficult to locate accurately. It can be opened at the nearest connector box, connected to OTDR for testing, and after measuring the distance of the fault point, combined with the nearest remaining of the maintenance data record, the approximate position of the fault point can be measured on the spot, which can generally be positioned within a few meters, so that the scope of excavation is compared. Small, saving the cost of emergency repair and shortening the time to deal with faults. For the large attenuation point at the joint, we use the connector box to open the connector for re-fusion treatment, and use OTDR to monitor in real time until the connection loss meets the requirements. Sometimes after many times of welding, the connection loss does not meet the requirements. At this time, it is necessary to check whether the optical fiber beam tube deformation causes the optical fiber to be compressed, whether the bending radius of the optical fiber is too small when the disk is left, whether the optical fiber is under pressure, etc.

2.3 Construction damage

In external construction, trunk optical cable failure caused by construction damage is relatively common. This mainly refers to the fact that in the construction of the project, the construction party did not fully survey the environment around the construction site, so it may face various unexpected conditions and problems during construction, resulting in the damage of the optical cable. In addition, due to the large geographical area of China and the large span of the communication trunk optical cable, it will pass through different areas during construction, and the construction environment is relatively complex. Many staff do not do a good job in the marking and management of relevant lines in the process, so that sudden damage may occur during actual construction.

2.4 Failure caused by the aging of the optical cable trunk network and untimely maintenance

In recent years, in the failure of force majeure trunk optical cable, the damage caused by municipal projects has accounted for a large proportion. After such accidents, operators often receive less compensation, and it is difficult to claim. The number of line joints increases, and the loss of the whole process increases. In the face of the aging of trunk optical cables, it is necessary to maintain them in time to avoid large losses caused by untimely maintenance.

2.5 Characteristics of optical cable damage caused by traffic accidents

The traffic accident itself is uncertain, and the optical cable blocking caused by the accident is sudden and accidental. In addition, traffic accidents may damage other local user businesses except trunk optical cables, which may lead to large-scale network disconnection. Although this kind of large-scale interruption is relatively simple to find fault points, it is difficult to repair, because most of the fault points are on the traffic lane.

2.6 Characteristics of optical cable damage caused by small animals

Most of the communication trunk optical cables are completely exposed outdoors. Although it has its own protective layer, many small animals, such as mice, will bite and damage the outer layer of the optical cable, causing intermittent damage to the optical cable, sometimes causing no signal, and the transmission speed and capacity of the optical cable will be reduced. And the resulting fault points are also difficult to find.

3. Management and maintenance measures of communication trunk optical cables

3.1 Strengthen the daily maintenance of communication optical cables

In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of China’s communication trunk optical cables, the construction party must first strengthen the daily maintenance of the communication optical cable, and do a good job in the daily inspection and troubleshooting of the communication optical cable, so as to extend the service life of the optical cable and reduce the occurrence of failure. Therefore, it is required that the operation and maintenance department must strengthen the daily maintenance of communication optical cables, formulate daily maintenance mechanisms, and arrange full-time personnel to carry out optical cable inspection and troubleshooting, so as to reduce the potential failure hazards during the operation of communication optical cable trunk lines. It is necessary to formulate the route for the daily inspection of communication optical cables, and it is also necessary to scientifically plan the rotational shifts of staff. While conducting optical cable inspection, it is also necessary to inspect the trees, utility poles and weeds around it to ensure that they will not affect the communication optical cable. In addition. There are problems in the operation of communication optical cables in many rural areas of China. A big reason is that people have piled up dead branches and other items around it, causing damage to the communication optical cable. Therefore, the relevant departments need to have a plan to carry out flood prevention reinforcement and renovation of the optical cable line, do a good job in the investigation of potential safety hazards, and prevent human factors from causing the quality of the optical cable line.

3.2 Fully master the routing of optical cable lines and do a good job in safety identification

Comprehensively mastering the routing location of trunk optical cables is not only the basic work, but also the most direct and effective work to deal with the hidden dangers of optical cables. For the trunk optical cable laying project, after the main optical cable is laid, the construction unit shall provide the relevant completion drawings and test records, and the operation and maintenance department of the construction unit shall keep the relevant information of the project. After the completion of the trunk optical cable project, it is necessary to set up signs directly above the line in accordance with the requirements of the relevant acceptance specifications and relevant laws and regulations. Of course, such signs cannot be set when it hinders traffic or people’s normal production and life. Relevant personnel need to maintain the warning function of identification according to the actual situation. At the same time, relevant instructions on the importance of optical cables can be set up in this area, so that people can understand the importance of optical cables and the hazards caused by optical cable accidents in a timely manner, and fundamentally solve the problem of human damage. In addition, when setting up safety signs, relevant departments can learn from other successful cases and adopt new methods, new means, and a combination of multiple means for publicity.

3.3 Other technical measures

In order to improve the operation efficiency of communication trunk optical cables, two technical measures need to be taken. ( 1) Use the OTDR automatic online monitoring system to monitor the operation of the communication optical cable in real time. ( 2) Apply the safety alarm system and use advanced optical fiber sensor technology to carry out real-time alarm for optical cable damage. The adoption of technical measures can reduce the workload of operators, improve the efficiency of instruments, and ensure the safe operation of trunk optical cables. Establish a routine test system for backing up optical fibers to ensure the integrity and high quality of spare fibers.

3.4 Construction of emergency handling procedures

Building a reasonable and efficient emergency response program is of great value to improving the emergency repair efficiency of the trunk optical cable network and optimizing the operation effect of the entire communication network. In the operation of the line, when there is a failure, the relevant information should be sent to the repair personnel as soon as possible. On the basis of the effective location of fault points, reasonable deployment of human resources and equipment for emergency repair will be shortened to the minimum repair interval. In order to achieve the above goals, the optical fiber trunk network fault repair unit can divide the repair personnel into two groups: the first group is organized by the personnel on duty on the same day, and the second group is organized by the superior leader or specific personnel, all of whom are on duty on the same day. The fault repair plan is as follows: the first group starts within 5 minutes, after arriving at the fault site, emergency treatment and fault cause investigation, and quickly feedback the relevant information to the second group. The second group of personnel arrived at the office within 20 minutes after receiving the relevant information of the fault site. Combined with the information provided by the first group, they quickly supplemented the equipment and other resources required for the on-site rescue operation, so as to reach the scene and grab the optical cable as quickly as possible.

3.5 Self-healing capacity building of network business layer

Traditional methods (such as transmission layer SDH self-healing ring, wave division system circuit layer protection, data layer multi-path self-repair protection) When the physical network path is disconnected and a single path has a security failure, the construction of business layer self-heal plays an important role in ensuring the continuous availability of long-distance communication, but the peak time Network congestion is inevitable. The limitations of the geographical environment cause the same path to always exist in the physical network, and multiple relay interrupts of the same path may cause network paralysis.

3.6 Network physical layer self-healing capacity building

Since 2005, Huawei and other suppliers have successively launched the optical automatic switching protection system (OLP) based on the current mainstream transmission system, including 2.5G, 10G wavelength and 100G wavelength, which realizes self-switching protection in the event of failure of the optical fiber physical layer. However, at present, the 40G wavelength division coding uses differential phase shift keying (DPSK) and DQPSK (four-phase relative phase shift keying), so the distributed tolerance is small, which requires single-wave distributed compensation. The distributed compensation search time of the optical layer is long, and the recovery time after interruption is long. OLP cannot provide support in time. Hold.

3.7 Preventive measures for failures caused by cutting personnel

Prevent man-made failures during cutting. ( 1) The trunk optical cable is clearly marked with signs and labels on poles, pipe hand holes, ODF frames, etc., and regularly check and update; (2) Strictly deal with the legacy operations found and confirmed on the spot, especially when unplugging the connected tail fiber and re-plugging the optical fiber in the middle, the optical fiber may have wrong slots.

3.8 Strengthening the reserve of emergency supplies

In the event of a failure, the emergency repair work should be accurate and rapid. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the reserve of equipment, materials and other materials: (1) In order to shorten the emergency repair time limit of trunk optical cable faults, it is necessary to strengthen the reserve of equipment, materials and formulate practical emergency repair plans and plans to ensure the timeliness of emergency repair; (2). Set up near important trunk optical cable lines. Set up multiple storage points for emergency repair materials, and set up storage points at the two terminals to ensure that emergency repair materials can be delivered in time in the event of a failure.

3.9 Innovative workflow

The optimization management of hidden dangers in construction has the following innovations: First, according to the actual situation, optimize the discovery and treatment process of hidden dangers of optical cables, reduce redundant steps, and improve management efficiency. Secondly, optical cable monitoring equipment can be used to extract real-time alarms, guide maintenance units to carry out on-site maintenance, and reduce the reporting and communication process. Through the data analysis of hidden danger construction, the fault points can be calibrated in advance and the efficiency of optical cable hidden danger treatment can be improved.


In a word, the maintenance of communication trunk optical cables is a very specific and systematic project, which is not only related to the network security of our people, but also of great significance to modern national defense construction. In the management and maintenance of communication trunk optical cables, it is necessary to continuously improve relevant rules and regulations, adopt new management technologies and management means, and continuously improve the safe operation level of China’s optical cable network. Explore in practice and make a good summary of experience. In the work, we should be good at putting forward new methods and ideas, reduce the failure rate of trunk optical cables, and improve the operation stability of trunk optical cables, so as to improve user satisfaction and better promote economic and social development.

Alvin George

Alvin George

telecommunications engineer since 2002

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